My Story

About Me

Born and raised in the greater Boston area and being related to a software entrepreneur in the Boston area, I am well acquainted with the Boston tech scene.

During college, I was originally a physical therapy major and a lacrosse player. However, I became more fammiliar with the origin stories of prominent technology company founders such as Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison. I was inspired by the passion and vision that these founders had. So, I put down my lacrosse stick and my Anatomy book and created Cameron Akers Marketing! 

About Cameron Akers Marketing

At Cameron Akers Marketing I write content that always seems to merge marketing and technology. For example, I will discuss things like how product owners/product managers can build great SAAS products, and how they can work with product marketers to effectively market those products!

I will also share my experiences with you, as I learn more about business and technology! I often think about being a prouct marketer or product manager or launch my own startup. Follow me on my journey to become a product marketer/manger and company founder. As I learn new skills, I will share what I have learned with you!  

I also plan on using the information that I gain along the way combined with the experience that I already have to provide freelance marketing services to companies who are looking to outsource those tasks, become more efficient, and save more time for running their businesses as effectively as possible.

Hit Me Up!

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